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Did Reported Content Tank My Reach?

I'm facing a bit of a conundrum. My Instagram account, which was booming with growth for a couple of months, hit a snag. Fifteen of my reels got reported and removed due to a policy misunderstanding. Since then, my reach has taken a nosedive, and my reels aren't getting the attention they used to.

Wondering if it's just a coincidence or if the reported content is affecting my engagement. It's been three weeks, and things are still slow. Any insights on whether I should hang in there, hoping it bounces back, or consider throwing in the towel on the account?

Don't lose hope bro!

If you're willing to buy back the account, it might be a good move. Your account's richness is tied to your followers, who contribute to your success. Likes and comments play a role in this, making your profile more appealing. If you're ready to purchase the account, just give me the green light, and I will help.