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How Can I Improve my Google Ads Campaign?

Since November, I've been working on advertising my tutoring company. I enlisted a professional to set up a Google Ads campaign, which has garnered 600+ link clicks but not a single conversion. Despite trying three different landing pages, all with an offer for a free session, the results are disheartening.

The campaign seems correctly configured to me, with precise location targeting, relevant keywords, and appropriate negative keywords. Any ideas on why things aren't clicking?

Consider that offering a free session may not be compelling enough for conversions, and it's possible that the clicks are coming from unqualified prospects.

Start by defining a strong value proposition for parents, as they often play a key role in hiring tutors. Refine your keywords, tailor your ad to highlight your value proposition, and create a corresponding landing page.

To enhance engagement, offer a free download addressing parents' concerns about hiring a tutor—answering common questions, providing insights on what to look for or avoid, or offering guidance on assessing the effectiveness of tutoring services, especially considering its potential expense.