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How Can I Successfully Launch a B2B SaaS Podcast to Promote Startups?

Over at Frame (, we're gearing up to venture into the podcasting realm and could use your seasoned advice.  As we gear up to launch a podcast promoting startups in the B2B SaaS space, we're reaching out to the pros in the community.

Do you have any insights on how to kickstart this journey? We're specifically targeting a startup/entrepreneur audience and would appreciate any tips on format, channel selection, ideal length, content creation, and effective promotion strategies. Your expertise would mean a lot to us!

I'm currently focused on podcast-first content and have some tips to share:

  1. Keep your setup simple; you can start by recording on your iPhone.
  2. Incorporate both video and audio for a broader audience reach.
  3. Consider using distribution tools like Castos or Descript.
  4. Pay attention to RSS distribution; tools like Castos can assist with this. Manually adding your podcast to YouTube can also enhance discoverability.
  5. Adopt the "They Ask, You Answer" approach for content, addressing common questions related to your product or industry in each episode.
  6. Integrate ChatGPT into your workflow for crafting soundbites and generating ad-libbed scripts. Utilize the transcript to create original, on-brand content for various platforms.

Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss this further; I regularly assist clients in these areas.